Henrique de Oliveira Brito
Founding Partner
- Industrial Chemistry
- Operations Executive
- Innovation Management
- Specialist in Rubber Technology
Solid experience of more than 30 years in leading industrial operations, acting as Business Unit Director and Director of Operations, involving the areas of Strategy, Manufacturing, R&D, Technology, Innovation, Sales, Quality and Environment.
Developer of sustainable and high performance raw materials, having experience with graphene, lignin, rice husk ash silica, modified vegetable oils and resins, recovered carbon black (rCB), waste tire products (ELT) and others.
Project management and multidisciplinary teams, as well as national and international customers and suppliers.
Planning, start-up and ramp-up of manufacturing units with a significant technological increase.
Management of Strategic Planning, Innovation, Socio-environmental and Foreign Market projects.
President of ABTB-Brazilian Association of Rubber Technology 2014-2016, Vice-President of ABTB 2012-2013 and Director of the South Regional of ABTB 2000-2011.
International experience: participation in fairs, visits, technical and business meetings in Germany, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Chile, China, Spain, USA, Italy, Eastern Europe, Holland, Portugal, Taiwan, Turkey, UK, Uruguay.
Several courses on Rubber Technology, in Brazil and abroad.
Academic education:
#MBA in ESG | Ibmec Exam | October 2023
#Post-MBA in Innovation Management | Unisinos (University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos) | Porto Alegre
#MBA in Business Management | FGV (Getúlio Vargas Foundation) | RS/RJ
#Specialization in Quality Engineering "Lato Sensu" PUCRS | Porto Alegre
#University Extension in Elastomer Technology | UFRGS | Porto Alegre
#Higher Education in Industrial Chemistry | UFRGS | Porto Alegre

Karin Janete Stein Brito
- Industrial chemistry
- PD&I
- Master in Materials Engineering (Elastomeric Nanocomposites)
- PhD in Materials Engineering (Materials from Renewable Sources)
Solid experience and experience of more than 30 years in innovation, research and development of elastomeric products, acquired at the Institute of Innovation in Polymer Engineering and industries of rubber products for the automotive, electronics, footwear and recycling segments.
Project development and management, including EMBRAPII projects and Innovation Notices;
Technical/technological assistance to the industries of elastomer transformation;
Research and development of formulations and elastomeric products based on NR, SBR, BR, EPDM, NBR, Fluoroelastomers, Silicone, Polychloroprene, among others;
Development and administration of courses and training in the field of elastomer technology;
Research and development of reference materials for the elastomer sector;
Research and development of processes and products from elastomeric residues;
Coordination of the testing laboratory accredited by INMETRO and Rede Metrológica;
Management of the team responsible for the proficiency testing program by interlaboratory comparison and accreditation;
Commission Member ABNT/CE 1772.002.03
International experience: participation in fairs, visits, technical and business meetings in Germany, Argentina and England.
Academic education:
PhD in Engineering, concentration Science and Technology of Materials, with emphasis on Polymers (UFRGS/2023)
Master in Engineering, area of concentration Science and Technology of Materials, with emphasis on Polymers (UFRGS/2009)
Degree in Industrial Chemistry (UFRGS/1987)

Cristiane Jaqueline Mauss
Technical Consultant
- Industrial Chemical Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Master in Materials Engineering
- Specialist in Project Management
- Green Belt Training
- PhD student in Materials Engineering
More than 10 years of experience in product development, research and innovation, of which 6 years dedicated to elastomeric products in the tire retreading industry and at the Institute of Innovation in Polymer Engineering with several companies.
Project development and management, including EMBRAPII projects and Public Notices for Innovation (Rota 2030, FINEP, Public Notice for Innovation, among others);
Tax incentives related to the Lei do Bem;
Technical/technological assistance to the industries of elastomer transformation;
Research and development of formulations and elastomeric products;
Development of formulations and processes aimed at cost reductions;
Research and development of products of renewable origin for application in elastomers;
Development of products from latex (natural/synthetic);
Development and administration of courses and training in the field of elastomer technology;
Development of materials analysis methodologies;
Preparation of technical documentation and prior art searches.
Academic education:
PhD student in Engineering, area of concentration Science and Technology of Materials, with emphasis on Polymers (UFRGS/Forecast completion 2025)
Green Belt Training (2022)
Specialization in Project Management (Conquer/2021)
Master's in Engineering, area of concentration Science and Technology of Materials, with emphasis on Polymers (UFRGS/2020)
Degree in Mechanical Engineering (IFSul/2018)
Degree in Chemical Industrial Engineering (Feevale University/2013)